
Lesson 1

private: this Class.
package-private(default): Classes in same package
protected: Subclasses + Classes in same package
public: All

static: create class method and variables
final: finalize the implementation
abstract: create abstract class and methods
synchronized: prvent


  • Static variable
    Refer the common property of all objects of a class Gets memory only once in class area at the time of class loading

isolated from enclosing class instance.

  • Static method
    class Arrays {
    public static void sort(int[] a) {

    public static void main(Strings[] args) {
    int a[] = {2, 3, 1};

Belongs to class rahter than object of the class Can be invoked without creating an instance of a class
Can access and update static member of the class Cannot access non-static members

the same, cannot access non-static members.

  • Static class
    Outer class cannot be static Inner class can be static
    ** User inner class without creating an instance of outer class

static inner class isolated from enclosing class instance.

  • Static initializer
public class Solution {
public static void main(String [] args) {
System.out.println("Main Method.");

static {
System.out.println("Inside Static Initializer.");

Run only one time before constructor/mmain method called No return
No arguments No this/super support

  • Final
    Final Class: class cannot be extended Final method: method cannot be override
    ** Final variable: variable can only be assigned once. (Reference!)

  • Data Structures
    What you’ll learn in this course:
    ArrayList LinkedList
    HashTable/Map/Set Tree
    Stack/Queue Heap

ArrayList in Jave - method review
create - List list = new ArrayList<>();
add - list.add(e) - return: boolean
remove - list.remove(index) - return: element removed
get - list.get(index) - return element
size - list.size() - return: int

What you’ll learn in this course:

Binary Search Sort (quickSort/mergeSort)
DFS & BFS Dynamic Programming

Linear Search vs Binary Search

Search target: 51

Middle index = (start + end) / 2 = (0+8)/2 = 4


Linear Search: O(n)
Binary Search: O(logN)

Lesson 2

4 Fundamental Concepts

  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation


  • SubClass acquire properties from SuperClass
  • Java does not support multi-inheritance => can only extend from one class.

Overriding vs Overloading

  • Overloading: allow a class to have multiple methods of the same name signature
public Vehicle() {
owner = "";
speed = 0.0;

public Vehicle(String owner, double speed) {
this.owner = owner;
this.speed = speed;

## 'Object' class (java.lang.Object/Csharp.System.Object)
* **Every** class has 'Object' class as a superclass.
* All objects implement the methods of this class
* finalize()
* equals(Object obj)
* hashCode()
* toString()

protected void finalize()
* garbage collector determins there's no more reference to the object.

* boolean equals(Object obj)

* int hashCode()

* Consistency -> called multiple times, same result
* If two objects equals() to each other, their hashCode() must return identical integer
* Necessary to override hashCode() once override equals()

public boolean equals(Object obj) {

return (this == obj);

public native int hashCode();

native implementation which provides the memory address to a certain extent.


  • Single object -> multiple forms


  • Provide a generalization over a set of behaviors
  • User cares about high-level functionality not implementation
  • abstract class & interface

Interface - Java 8 - Default Method

interface Vehicle {
String getOwner();

default void start() {
String.format("%s is starting vehicle... ", getOwner());

Interfaces vs Abstract Classes

Interfaces (Interface => Description (e.g. Icomparable or Iserializable))

  • Do not maintain state (all variables are static final).
  • Multiple inheritance

Abstract Class (Abstract Class => Code Sharing Basis )

  • Share code among classes.
  • Share common non-public method
  • Share code which could chnange the state of the object.


  • Hiding implemementation details
  • Easy to change implementation with new requirements
  • Control “who” can access “what”

Factory Pattern

  • Remove instantiation of actual implmentation classes from client code.

4 Fundamental Concepts

  • Inheritance: one class based on another
  • Polymorphism: single object -> many forms
  • Abstraction: provide generalization
  • Encapsulation: hide implememention details

Test: ParkingLot

  • ParkingLot
  • Slot - small, large, etc
  • Vehicle - Car, Bus, etc
  • Parker ?
  • Park car
  • UnPark car
  • Find empty space
  • Is full?

Java Multi-threading

Thread vs Process

  • A process has one or more threads
  • Threads share the address space; processes have own address space.
  • Cancel, change priority, etc to main thread may affect the behavior of other threads;
    changes to parent process does not affect child process.

Life-cycle of a thread

------------End of execution--------------
|                                        V

New Thread() -> New -> (Start()) -> Runnable -> (run()) -> Running -> (Sleep(), Wait()) -> Waiting -> Dead
| ^

|                                                                                     |

Create a Thread

public class VehicleClient implemeents Runnable {
public void run() {
builder.createVehicle("Car", "Bob", id);

new Thread(new VheicleClient()).start();
public class VehicleClient extends Thread {
public void run() {


new VehicleClient().start();


English-language description

Compute the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative integers p and q as follows: if q is 0, the answer is p. If not, divide p by q and take the remainder r. The answer is the greatest common divisor of q and r.

Java-language description

public static int gcd(int p, int q)
if (q == 0) return p;
int r = p % q;
return gcd(q, r);